Send your request for a quote

Our team of estimators is fully prepared to quote any products’ order or custom jobs. Feel free to enter your key information in the fields on the right with all the instructions and comments. You can also upload a file with your specs and blueprints.

In almost no time you will get your desired quote and move on with the project.

Start filling the form now!

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  • dedicated-team
  • estimators
  • filling a form

Rest assured, when you will be ready to place an order at Acier Lachine, you will benefit from the convenience of all popular methods of payment.

methods of payments

As a small or medium business owner, you may encounter situations where you will need to borrow money, and in such cases, for many businesses including yours, filling out a business credit application becomes essential. Click here to complete the credit application form.

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    Your Message with Instructions and Comments


    INSTRUCTIONS: Print, complete the form, and return it by email at

    Click on the image below to open the pdf form.

    Galvanization Procedure English

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